Kiko's Ads
Ads Views Condition Price Date BMW Motorsport Center Lock hub replicas
posted by Kiko
For sale is a set of Center Lock hub replicas in the correct 7075 alloy. The price is for each and doesn't include shipping. The hubs can either be had as 100% correct rep ...3678 Excellent €220.00 Tue May 4, 2010 17:32 BBS Motorsport center Lock hub replcias
posted by Kiko
For sale is a set of Center Lock hub replicas in the correct 7075 alloy. The price is for each and doesn't include shipping. The hubs can either be had as 100% correct rep ...3647 Excellent €220.00 Tue May 4, 2010 17:33 Hartge centre cap stickers
posted by Kiko
Exact reproductions of the NLA Hartge stickers. Shipping 5€ to ANYWHERE. Payment by Paypal to francisco.santos@jrsantos.pt2956 Excellent €25.00 Tue March 16, 2010 22:19 Hub extender for M-Tech II kit
posted by Kiko
This kit is for the tall drivers who don't want to give up the M-tech II steering wheel but want to be able push the seat backwards and still have the wheel close to the torso ...2766 Excellent €80.00 Thu February 25, 2010 00:57 Europameister plaque ORIGINAL
posted by Kiko
The 2nd owner of my 86' M3 at some point got his hands on a Europameister plaque (signed by Ravaglia) and fitted it to the car. It's in good condition but it's 20 years old so ...2150 Good €125.00 Tue February 16, 2010 14:33 Tyre pressure sticker
posted by Kiko
These are 99% correct and the only difference is a slight difference in gloss . You can only tell with both side-by-side. The price is 15€ plus 2€ for shipping. Paypal ...2012 Excellent €15.00 Sat March 20, 2010 13:10 Sport Evo plaque replica
posted by Kiko
For all Sport Evo owners with their plaque missing. It's an exact replica. The photo shows them side-by-side even though the perspective might might distort slightly they VERY ...1990 Excellent €70.00 Tue February 16, 2010 11:41 AC Schnitzer susp on Ebay
posted by Kiko
No affiliation... itemZ270222200847QQihZ017QQcategoryZ70148QQssPageN ameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewIte ...1945 Excellent n/a Mon March 24, 2008 20:11 Gr.A clutch disc (NEW) AP racing
posted by Kiko
It's brand new in the box.1847 Excellent €200.00 Tue May 18, 2010 19:25 Gr. A Oil cooler
posted by Kiko
Although some of the fins are bent the cooler was never used. This can either be used as Diff oil cooler or as an engine oil cooler upgrade for a road car. Rgs1715 Excellent n/a Tue February 23, 2010 17:30 Cecotto for sale
posted by Kiko
Found this, ogarosilber-mit-Airbox_W0QQitemZ220191499577QQihZ0 12QQcategoryZ9837QQssPageNam ...1603 Excellent n/a Mon January 14, 2008 00:34 Tyre pressure sticker
posted by Kiko
These are 99% correct and the only difference is a slight difference in gloss. You can only tell with both side-by-side. The price is 15€ plus 2€ for shipping.1513 Excellent €15.00 Sat March 20, 2010 13:06
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